Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Fedora 10

Greetings all,
Sorry for the late post but me and my family have been sick for the last week. We've been eating chicken noodle soup and wrapping up in blankets. Today I hit the books hard playing catch-up. Today I also loaded Fedora 10 on my laptop. I'm trying to learn and get a handle on rpm based distro's so what better to run the Fedora. I still have my test server running Debian etch and I'm in the process of learning Apache. To help with getting all this done I've been listening to past episodes of "Linux Reality" with Chess Griffin. He did some excellent tutorials on building a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySql,PHP,Perl,and Python) stack. That's it for now I'm not @ a 100% yet so I need some rest, til next time. L8tr